好像 真空管功率放大器的輸出阻抗高(例如 = 1k 歐母 ),而喇叭的負載阻抗低 ( 例如 = 8 歐)
最好就接上一個輸出變壓器 output transformer(初級 2k歐, 次級 8歐 阻抗), 給 真空功率管 一個 2k歐 的負載。
勝經本handbook上 Section 4 有論述:
例如下文的計算例子,12吋的喇叭 需要一隻開口直徑 2825 mm 接近 三公尺,筒身長度 延伸 3750 mm 接近 四公尺。
因此用在大禮堂、戲劇院、陣前喊話 是很適當,擺在豪宅客廳也夠氣派。
放在公寓小房裡,是 "西施效顰"了。
號筒內部駐波,standing wave 引起的 "音染", 俗話說的 "銅罐仔聲" "隧道聲"。
按照 F= (1/2*pie)*square root of ( Stiffness/Mass)
選擇適當的材料,提高 剛性 stiffness, 降低 質量mas, 就可以 提高共鳴頻率 到耳聞之外的超高頻。如金屬薄皮。
同理, 降低 剛性 stiffness, 提高質量mas 就可以 降低共鳴頻率 到耳聞之外的超低頻。如鋼筋水泥。
取自 wiki 的動作圖
A horn loudspeaker is a loudspeaker or loudspeaker element which uses a horn to increase the overall efficiency of the driving element(s). A common form (right) consists of a small compression driver which produces sound waves with a small metal diaphragm vibrated by an electromagnet, attached to a horn, a flaring duct to conduct the sound waves to the open air. Another type is a woofer driver mounted in a loudspeaker enclosure which is divided by internal partitions to form a zigzag flaring duct which functions as a horn; this type is called a folded horn speaker. The horn serves to improve the coupling efficiency between the speaker driver and the air. The horn can be thought of as an "acoustic transformer" that provides impedance matching between the relatively dense diaphragm material and the less-dense air. The result is greater acoustic output power from a given driver.[1]
The narrow part of the horn next to the driver is called the "throat" and the large part farthest away from the driver is called the "mouth".[1] The angular coverage (radiation pattern) of the horn is determined by the shape and flare of the mouth. Unlike cone speakers, horn speakers usually have rectangular apertures, with the width tailored for proper horizontal coverage angle, and height tailored for proper vertical coverage angle. A major problem of horn speakers is that the radiation pattern varies with frequency; high frequency sound tends be emitted in narrow beams with poor off-axis performance.[2] Significant improvements have been made, beginning with the "constant directivity" horn invented in 1975 by Don Keele.
The main advantage of horn loudspeakers is they are more efficient; they can typically produce 10 times (10 dB) more sound power than a cone speaker from a given amplifier output. Therefore horns are widely used in public address systems, megaphones, and sound systems for large venues like theaters, auditoriums, and sports stadiums. Their disadvantage is that their frequency response is more uneven because of resonance peaks, and horns have a cutoff frequency below which their response drops off. To achieve adequate response at bass frequencies horn speakers must be very large and cumbersome, so they are more often used for midrange and high frequencies. The first practical loudspeakers, introduced around the turn of the 20th century, were horn speakers. Due to the development in recent decades of more efficient cone loudspeakers, which have a flatter frequency response, use of horn speakers in high fidelity audio systems has declined.
取材 日本的梁式教科書上有簡單佴要的說明
我跟他更正的公式, fc=62.4/l *log-10(S/S0)
如果轉換為 m,(m*l=log(S/S0), 因此 l= log(S/S0)/m )
把 log-10(S/S0) 改為 =log(S/S0)/2.3
再把 l 長度單位改為 1 米= 3.28呎
則 fc = m*62.4*3.28/2.3 = m*89
跟”勝經本”的公式 f0= m*89.5 是一致的。
可是 Mr. Jordan 提的公式是
m=f/927 ( inch ) 折合 m=f/77.3,
fc= m*77.3 相差 fc = m*89 有 15%之多
可見有 新約、舊約之分。